Wavy wig with auburn undertones for a unique and eye - catching colorInvisible Wavy Tape in Hair Extensions for Black Hair Human Hair

Hair Length 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24"

Tape-in hair extensions are permanent extensions, also called tape hair extensions, skin weft extensions, or invisible tape hair extensions.

Product Details

Hair No.: TI02

One Bundle Set: 40 Pcs Tape-In Hair Extension, Weight 100 g.

Usually recommend 1 bundle(40pcs) for adding volume, 2-3 bundles (80-120pcs) for a full head. Recommended for 22-24 inch using 3 bundles(120pcs).

Each set comes with one free DIY tool kit includes the:

  • Magic hair sticker pad*2
  • Hair clip*2
  • Parting comb*1
  • Pre-cut tape tabs*2 (24 pcs)/ per bundle
  • tape-in-hair-extensions-free-gifts-kittape-in-hair-extensions-detail-picture

    How to Use

    When installed correctly, Tape-in extensions will have a smooth, seamless look. They are also beginner-friendly, and you can install them by yourself.

    Easy to install

    Clean and dry hair (without conditioner).

    Determine the installation position, divide the seam and install the upper and lower pieces.


    Easy to remove

    Special glue remover or 91% alcohol can simply separate the adhesive strip from the hair.

    Apply oil or conditioner to the installation to condition the hair.


    Easy to fix

    Use a glue remover tool or scraper with glue remover to remove the residual glue from the rubber weft. Clean and dry the surface, apply our complimentary adhesive strips and the product will be as good as new.

    Diagram for Hair Extensions

    Diagram for Hair Extensions

    Check out all the products in our , all at the same discount. You can combine them according to the characteristics of the products and your preferences.

    *This installation diagram is for reference only; different hair stylists will have other installation methods.