Adjustable - cap colored wig for a comfortable fitRICHELLE

Lace Type 4 x 4 Closure 5 x 5 Closure 13x6 Lace Front
Hair Length 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Hair Texture Body Wave Straight

Coloring is done locally in Hamilton, Ontario Canada and it takes approximately 4-8 hours to achieve this look. Purchase your pre-made custom unit now. 

 About the Hair: Mink Hair, 12A Grade Blonde Lace Wig in Silky Straight and Body Wave. Transparent Lace, 180% Density, Pre-Plucked With Baby Hair. Bleached knots, all cuticles are intact and aligned. Originally color 613, customized by high and low lights.

Ganvas Babe Spotlight: Inspired by one of our Ganvas Babes, Richelle. Thank you for being a loyal customer. Your support means the world to us.